I'm on a horse.
My preferred mode of transportation (a preview of Zaragoza, Spain)
I’m on my last train right now (out of 4 trains!!) on my way to Barcelona from
Grenoble. I was originally going to go yesterday, but I didn’t realize that
this is a 4 day weekend in France (I’m not sure what the holidays are Monday
and Tuesday) and I had trouble getting my reservations. It turned out to be a
good thing because I was able to go out with my friends from API Friday as a
goodbye celebration and then I spent Saturday with my host family.
My two amazing API directors, Marie and Anna. And there's my API apron!!
Here's only a few students from API Grenoble, I'm really going to miss them all!
On Saturday my host family took me on top of the mountain (the one that I can see
out my bedroom window) for an even more spectacular view of the city. After we
got home, I did some more planning and packing before eating an amazing
escargot dinner!
Before we left for the mountain, I witnessed for the first time how some people in France cut the grass. Here's Pierre with the electric lawn mower that looks to me like a Playskool toy or something... It needs an extension cord to be plugged in, I've never seen anything like this in the U.S.
Now here is all of Grenoble!!! The small looking hill closest to the river is actually the Bastille, it looks tiny from here.
And farther to the left is Meylan, where I lived with my host family. Their house is approximately just to the left of the forested area in the center of the photo.
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